The song of empirical doubt:
that which is not
(Rendered in mathematical symbols as the set of all items not included in the set)
Barks fitfully in rage
At that which is
(Rendered in mathematical symbols as an arbitrary set, implying infinite variation)
And still we swim
....which has been remarked upon by researchers (those that didn't die of the information-borne disease that afflicted the Third Library, now known as Scholera) as an example of the limitless potential for indifference on the part of the ur-predators for the thought-constructs of their prey (and of course the prey itself, although that distinction is subject to great debate among those who stoop to the conceptual sub-plateau of non-general role-types, i.e. identities - a group that is not graced with our membership), and as such a point frequently used as an excuse/rationale for their vicious treatment of captives, typically time-bound entities culled from the shoals of . . .

--Steve Kilian
---------------------------------------------- More Crazy S'it
---------------------------------------------- Bones N Stuff
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