What kind of car does a pig drive? A Pigborghini.
What kind of car does a cow drive? A Cowborghini.
What kind of car does a horse drive? A Horseborghini.
What kind of car does a whale drive? A Whaleborghini.
What kind of car does a Krill drive? A Krillborghini.
What kind of car does a narwhal drive? A Narwhalborghini.
What kind of car does an eagle drive? An Eagleborghini.
What kind of car does an octopus drive? An Octopusborghini.
What kind of car does a lobster drive? A Lobsterborghini. *
What kind of car does an amoeba drive? An Amoebaborghini. **
What kind of car does a rhinoceros drive? A Rhinocerosborghini.
What kind of car does an armadillo drive? An Armadilloborghini.
What kind of car does an alpaca drive? An Alpacaborghini.
What kind of car does a tree sloth drive? A Treeslothborghini.
What kind of car does a tamarin drive? A Tamarinborghini.
What kind of car does a white-faced saki monkey drive? A White-facedsakimonkeyborghini.
What kind of car does a tapir drive? A Tapirborghini.***
What kind of car does a hagfish drive? A Hagfishborghini.
What kind of car does a marmoset drive? An Acura MDX.
What kind of car does a star-nosed mole drive? A Star-nosedmoleborghini.
What kind of car does an axolotl drive? An Axolotlborghini.
What kind of car does a chupacabra drive? A Chupacabraborghini.
* There was great debate as to whether “lobsterborghini” should have been “Lobsterghini” but in the end we decided that would be a cheat.
** Likewise with Amoebarghini.
***We didn’t even consider Tapirghini. At this point we were committed to the formula. Who is we? The Committee.
--Dan Kilian and The Committee.
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