Personally, I like refudiate, and I think she is cute in her language even though it was clearly a mistake. I don’t have any problem with how Palin says what she says (at least not here) it’s what she’s got to say. The issue isn’t her use or misuse of language; it’s that she’s a fucking racist cunt. There shouldn’t be any debate about building a mosque in downtown New York, at least not on religious grounds. Anyone who has a problem with moderate Muslims in America is fomenting religious war, and is therefore Osama Bin Laden’s dance partner and scoundrelous.
With that in mind, I mint a new word: Recuntiate.
One recuntiates when one reminds people what a cunt a person is. If someone’s doing something cunty, and then people get distracted by a cute little sideshow, well then it’s time for some recuntiation.
It’s unrefudiable. This word will surely come in handy.
--Dan Kilian
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